Chaos and misery are consuming you…

You have no idea how you got to this place. You keep doing things you regret and your behavior is out of control. You do something and then wonder, “what the hell just happened?!”. You think you’re an idiot. Others ask you, “why did you do that?! What is wrong with you?”. You don’t have an answer because you’re asking yourself the same questions and it all is just too much. People in your life do not listen to you, are ditching you and blaming you for things even you can’t understand. You hate yourself. Relationships are too much to endure. Your pain is so intense and life so chaotic. It is all too much. Lonely, empty, ashamed, chaotic, messy, overwhelmed…you are defeated.

…and you want to feel better.

You want to take the reins and get control of your life. You can no longer stand feeling so miserable. If you are wondering if this is just the way life is - it doesn’t have to be! I have seen so many people crawl from the depths of despair to see the light of day - get their relationships in order, discover respect and love for their own selves, get people to take them seriously, and live desirable lives, all while managing the inevitable pain that comes with it. It is possible and humans are incredible - I see it all the time!


We’re here to work beside you.

We won’t guarantee perfect outcomes or that treatment will work. The most progress is seen in treatment when we align and put in the work together to stay aligned. We will not leave you hanging and expect you to walk right alongside us, especially when you don’t think you can.

We work together to get behaviors under control by dissecting problems as they arise, finding solutions that work, and building a firm foundation of skills for distress tolerance, awareness, emotion regulation, and relationship effectiveness. This involves experiencing (vs. avoiding) emotions in ways that work. Then we begin process-oriented work, including trauma treatment where we may process past childhood history and trauma, including traumatic invalidation.

This treatment is not for everyone. If the treatment we do together does not work, we provide referral resources based on your requests and our clinical recommendations.

Together we can discover valuable information about your behaviors, thoughts, and actions; and get out of unhelpful patterns contributing to misery so that you can have the sense of control, confidence, and better life you need to keep on living. We offer therapy in-person in Minneapolis and via telehealth in the state of Minnesota.

The art of happiness is also the art of suffering well.
— Thích Nhất Hạnh